Edra Power Holdings Sdn Bhd (“EPH”) and all its subsidiaries (collectively, the “Group”) has adopted a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY AGAINST BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION IN ALL ITS FORMS. Accordingly, the Board of Directors and senior management of EPH will not tolerate any act of bribery or corruption committed by directors, employees and persons associated with the Group (which include, without limitation, the Group’s contractors, agents, representatives, vendors, suppliers, service providers, business partners, advisors and consultants).

The Group is committed to implementing adequate measures and procedures to prevent and/or mitigate against the risk of acts of bribery or corruption being committed by directors, employees and persons associated with the Group in connection with its business operations and activities.

To this end, the Group has adopted the EPH Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policies and Guidelines, which are available by clicking the links below. We encourage you to join us and our stakeholders in our efforts to prevent bribery, corruption and other forms of improper conduct by adhering to the Group’s requirements in the EPH Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policies and Guidelines. We welcome any feedback you may have by sending us your feedback via the following channels. 

(i) via email to
(ii) by calling +86 755 844310032; and/or
(iii) via email to

Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policies and Guidelines
Glossary of Terms
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Gifts
Chapter 3 Donations
Chapter 4 Political Contributions
Chapter 5 Dealing with Public or Government Officials
Chapter 6 Facilitation Payments
Chapter 7 Conflicts of Interest
Chapter 8 Recruitment of Employees
Chapter 9 Intermediaries
Chapter 10 Whistleblowing